Software Quality: a quest for perfection

When we think about "Quality," it usually is related to physical products. You expect the things to work correctly, last for a few years, and do what they are advertised to do. But software is also a product, and it should be required for it to require certain quality standards. To understand quality in software, first, we need to understand what is quality: how good or bad something is

Resolutions 2021: I’m trying my best | February update

I'm trying my best and that's what matters for me. This is the end of the smallest month of the year. Continue learning Japanese and take the N4 certification test (I’ll try to skip N5 and hope for the best). I reduced those 700 reviews and finished my learning sessions of the level in Wanikani! … Continue reading Resolutions 2021: I’m trying my best | February update

Architecture, WTF?

Architecture (as we can see in britannica) can be originally defined as being a word referring to the art and science of construction. "architecture" flickr photo by barnyz shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license However, as an emerging science, computer science decided that “architecture” sounded like a cool term to use. So, What … Continue reading Architecture, WTF?