New Year’s resolutions 2021

So this bizarre year has finished, a lot has happened, and a lot has to come yet. Here in Mexico, we received vaccines a few days ago, and the vaccination campaign started, but still, it looks that it’ll be a while before everyone has access to the vaccine (I think I’ll have access until 2022). But I still think it will be a great year; a lot has still to happen, but it looks like everything is improving.

“Happy New Year Morro Bay” by howardignatius is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

A few years ago, I decided I will stop making resolutions because, in the end, my resolutions were impossible, or I simply just forget about them. This coming year I decided for things to be different, to decide some resolutions for 2021. These will be from some things I need to do and some others I’ll love to do.

So, my list of resolutions for 2021 are:

  • Obtain my English certification (I need at least a B2 to be able to graduate from college)
  • Continue learning Japanese and take the N4 certification test (I’ll try to skip N5 and hope for the best).
  • Continue learning math, I already finished my math courses in college, but I want to learn more theory behind all stuff and strengthen my current knowledge.
  • Finish my last internship successfully at Facebook
  • Finish college (I expected to graduate in December 2021!)
  • Be more active in writing here my learnings, experiences, and thoughts.

The last point will be partially tied with the rest of the resolutions because I’ll be writing at least every week about the new stuff I learn and do, so this way, I can keep this blog active as well as motivate me with the rest of my goals for the year.

I also have some drafts pending to do for the blog. One is writing about the architecture of this site I’m building. Another one that I’m the most excited about is talking about how the internet is a reflection of society. I hope to publish these posts by the end of January.

So… yeah, those are my plans for next year :). For everyone that reads this, I hope you have an amazing 2021, please stay safe everyone!

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